Update 08/26/2016 Everything is good I don’’t see any negatives I have it on my Mac Mini (2 of them), Macbook Pro (2011), iMac (2011) and all are/appear “safe” So this is a good app and I hope I don’t get something like ransomeware or drive by malware My 27” 2011 iMac wife uses and it was performing a full scan, said 2 “virus like” things found, deleted. They were in attachments in emails. UPDATE:04/02/2016 Ok it seems like there is no way to have this startup automatically unless you tell it to. Then it enables real time scan So seems to be working as intended. Up’ed to 5 stars from 4 =======03/31/2016 Ok Avira, it seems ok but that constant guard is cause my little mid-2010 Mac Mini to slow sometimes Anyway I was not sure because it didn’t or doesn’t pick up anything So I uninstalled it and installed this one. NOW, it came up and said I have ONE virus……..ok It is a (Office 2011 Mac) word doument that ends in .docM (as in Macro) So I deleted it Now I have a 2011 27” iMac next to me (wife who is a graphic designer) and I put it on there…. running full scan because she always used Outlook until I finally switched her to using just Mail Outlook was always having problems and having to rebuild index that was like >1GB because of her wanting to keep emails from like 5 years ago (with attachments) This scanning it is hanging on a .olk14MsgAttach file……can not read the entire file name but it has to be something and some of those attachments she has/had were > 100Mb I see the ScopedBookmarkAgent running……had to see what was. It is when you allow this to access the /User folder, it is running outside of it’s SandBox…. All of our machines are OS X 10.11.4 right now, so I see it is holding up on older equipment running ok for now So will see….what if anything it says on her machine. She got a virus/malware one time like 3 years ago on the 21” she had (2010 until the motherboard went toast, so she got my 27”) and it caused a lot of problems Good thing I keep the TimeMachine on RAID1 external drives that are 1TB and only do the /User Folder, so she had backups from months before available to get from. Will see how this program works. It’s not that I don’t trust things (programs) that are from outside Apple’s walled garden, but I can never tell 100% if they are TRUELY having my best interest and not leaking data to China or Russia. This also has the Web Gaurd Extension for Safari (which is all she uses and she is not as technical as me, because it’s what I do 50% of the time) and she would click a link in a email from a “friend” and not really pay attention if it was something that ended in .OM instead of .COM Which are/have been the .OM websites with drive by malware So will see……. Again, it seems to be in my best interest and if it comes out good after a week or so, will up to 5 stars.