I installed Dr. Safety as I finally decided to run a well-rated virus/malware checker just to see what it would show up. I installed the free version of Dr. Safety and since I’ve been running it (a couple of months a few times a week) nothing has been detected. Given the rather low number of OS X targeted malware so far (knock on wood) that’s not unexpected. I’m also careful about obvious phishing stuff, etc.
So practically, the full scan is a bit slow but not bad at all and I can work at the same time its running. I like the log of events it maintains (though mine is empty). Until I see it actually find a problem I can’t say how effective it is. But since its free, simple to install, and easy to run I would not hesitate to try it initially if you suspect you have a problem. Other reviewers have found it effective
zakudriver about Antivirus One - Virus Cleaner, v1.4.2